HTML Autocomplete: Possible Values and Usage

Aug 17, 2024

HTML Autocomplete: Possible Values and Usage

The HTML <input> element's autocomplete attribute is a powerful tool for enhancing user experience and improving form submission accuracy. By specifying appropriate autocomplete values, you can provide users with relevant suggestions based on their previous input or stored data, ultimately streamlining the form-filling process.

In this comprehensive blog post, we'll explore the various possible values for the autocomplete attribute, discuss their usage, and provide code snippets to help you implement autocomplete effectively in your HTML forms.

Understanding the autocomplete Attribute

The autocomplete attribute is used to provide hints to the browser about the type of information expected in a form field. It helps the browser determine whether to provide autocomplete suggestions and what kind of suggestions to provide.

The autocomplete attribute can be applied to various form elements, including:

  • <input> elements (text, password, email, url, tel, number, search, and date-related types)

  • <textarea> elements

  • <select> elements

To use the autocomplete attribute, simply add it to the desired form element and specify the appropriate value. For example:

<input type="text" name="username" autocomplete="username">

In this example, the autocomplete attribute is set to "username," indicating that the input field expects a username.

Possible Values for the autocomplete Attribute

The autocomplete attribute accepts a wide range of values, each corresponding to a specific type of information. Here are some of the most commonly used values:

  1. Autofill Values

    • name: Suggests that the input field expects a name.

    • username: Suggests that the input field expects a username.

    • email: Suggests that the input field expects an email address.

    • password: Suggests that the input field expects a password.

    • new-password: Suggests that the input field expects a new password.

    • current-password: Suggests that the input field expects the current password.

    • one-time-code: Suggests that the input field expects a one-time code.

  2. Contact Information

    • honorific-prefix: Suggests that the input field expects an honorific prefix (e.g., Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.).

    • given-name: Suggests that the input field expects a first name.

    • additional-name: Suggests that the input field expects a middle name or initial.

    • family-name: Suggests that the input field expects a last name.

    • honorific-suffix: Suggests that the input field expects an honorific suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III).

    • nickname: Suggests that the input field expects a nickname.

    • organization-title: Suggests that the input field expects a job title or organization name.

    • organization: Suggests that the input field expects an organization name.

    • street-address: Suggests that the input field expects a street address.

    • address-line1: Suggests that the input field expects the first line of an address.

    • address-line2: Suggests that the input field expects the second line of an address.

    • address-line3: Suggests that the input field expects the third line of an address.

    • address-level4: Suggests that the input field expects the smallest administrative level, such as a neighborhood or district.

    • address-level3: Suggests that the input field expects the third largest administrative level, such as a county.

    • address-level2: Suggests that the input field expects the second largest administrative level, such as a city.

    • address-level1: Suggests that the input field expects the largest administrative level, such as a state or province.

    • country: Suggests that the input field expects a country name.

    • country-name: Suggests that the input field expects a country name.

    • postal-code: Suggests that the input field expects a postal code.

    • cc-name: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card holder's name.

    • cc-given-name: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card holder's first name.

    • cc-additional-name: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card holder's middle name or initial.

    • cc-family-name: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card holder's last name.

    • cc-number: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card number.

    • cc-exp: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card expiration date.

    • cc-exp-month: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card expiration month.

    • cc-exp-year: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card expiration year.

    • cc-csc: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card security code.

    • cc-type: Suggests that the input field expects a credit card type.

    • transaction-currency: Suggests that the input field expects a transaction currency.

    • transaction-amount: Suggests that the input field expects a transaction amount.

    • language: Suggests that the input field expects a language preference.

  3. Miscellaneous Values

    • bday: Suggests that the input field expects a birthday.

    • bday-day: Suggests that the input field expects a birthday day.

    • bday-month: Suggests that the input field expects a birthday month.

    • bday-year: Suggests that the input field expects a birthday year.

    • sex: Suggests that the input field expects a gender.

    • url: Suggests that the input field expects a URL.

    • photo: Suggests that the input field expects a photo.

  4. Custom Values

    • You can also use custom values for the autocomplete attribute if none of the predefined values fit your specific use case. However, keep in mind that custom values may not be recognized by all browsers and may not provide the same level of autocomplete functionality as the predefined values.

Implementing Autocomplete in HTML Forms

To implement autocomplete in your HTML forms, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the form fields that require autocomplete suggestions.

  2. Determine the appropriate autocomplete value for each field based on the type of information expected.

  3. Add the autocomplete attribute to the relevant form elements and specify the chosen value. For example:

  <label for="username">Username:</label>
  <input type="text" id="username" name="username" autocomplete="username" required>

  <label for="email">Email:</label>
  <input type="email" id="email" name="email" autocomplete="email" required>

  <label for="password">Password:</label>
  <input type="password" id="password" name="password" autocomplete="new-password" required>

  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

Test your form to ensure that the autocomplete suggestions are working as expected.

Best Practices for Using autocomplete

To optimize the user experience and ensure effective autocomplete functionality, consider the following best practices:

  1. Use appropriate autocomplete values for each form field to provide relevant suggestions.

  2. Ensure that the autocomplete values match the expected input format (e.g., use "email" for email fields, "tel" for phone number fields).

  3. Provide clear labels for each form field to help users understand what information is expected.

  4. Test your form on various devices and browsers to ensure consistent autocomplete behavior.

  5. Keep your form fields organized and logically grouped to improve the overall user experience.

  6. Consider implementing client-side validation in addition to autocomplete to further enhance form submission accuracy.

By following these best practices and leveraging the power of theautocompleteattribute, you can create user-friendly forms that streamline the data entry process and improve the overall user experience.


The HTMLautocompleteattribute is a valuable tool for enhancing form usability and reducing data entry errors. By specifying appropriate autocomplete values, you can provide users with relevant suggestions based on their previous input or stored data, ultimately improving form submission accuracy and user satisfaction.Remember to use the predefined autocomplete values whenever possible, as they are recognized by most browsers and provide a consistent user experience. If necessary, you can also use custom values, but keep in mind that they may not be supported by all browsers.