Linux File

ls - List directory contents

pwd - Print working directory

cd - Change directory

mkdir - Create directories

rmdir - Remove directories

rm - Remove files and directories

cp - Copy files and directories

mv - Move (rename) files and directories

touch - Create empty files

cat - Display, copy or combine text files

locate - Find files by name on the system

and Containers

Virtual Machines



Linux Development Tools



Version Control

Linux Process

ps - Report process status

top - Display and update sorted process information

kill - Terminate processes

killall - Terminate processes by name

Linux User Management Commands

  • useradd - Create new user accounts

  • userdel - Delete user accounts

  • usermod - Modify user account information

  • passwd - Change user passwords

Linux Networking Commands

  • ping - Test network connectivity

  • ifconfig - Configure network interfaces

  • traceroute - Trace network packets

  • ssh - Secure shell remote login

Linux Package Management Commands

  • apt, yum, dnf, pacman - Package managers

Linux System Information Commands

  • uname - Print system information

  • lsb_release - Print distribution-specific information

  • lshw - List hardware information

  • lsusb - List USB devices

  • lspci - List PCI devices

Linux System Administration Commands

  • sudo - Execute commands with superuser privileges

  • shutdown - Shutdown or reboot the system

  • mount - Mount file systems

  • umount - Unmount file systems

  • fdisk - Manipulate disk partition table

  • mkfs - Create a file system on a device

  • chown - Change file owner and group

  • chmod - Change file access permissions

Linux Text Processing Commands

  • grep - Print lines matching a pattern

  • sed - Stream editor for filtering and transforming text

  • awk - Pattern scanning and processing language

Linux Compression Commands

  • tar - Tape archive utility

  • gzip - Compress or expand files

  • bzip2 - A block-sorting file compressor

  • zip, unzip - Package and compress (archive) files

Linux Miscellaneous Commands

  • man - Display manual pages

  • alias - Define or display aliases

  • unalias - Remove alias definitions

  • echo - Display lines of text

  • history - Display or manipulate the history list

  • clear - Clear the terminal screen

  • exit - Exit the current shell session

Linux Shell and

Bash Shell

Shell Commands

Shell Scripting

Shell Scripting Constructs

Linux System Administration

User and Group Management

Service Management

Log Management

Backup and Restore

Linux Desktop Environment

Graphical User Interfaces

Desktop Applications