
assert - Provides a set of assertion tests

  • buffer - Handles binary data

  • child_process - Runs child processes

  • cluster - Splits a single Node process into multiple processes

  • crypto - Handles OpenSSL cryptographic functions

  • dgram - Provides implementation of UDP datagram sockets

  • dns - Performs DNS lookups and name resolution functions

  • domain - Deprecated, used to handle unhandled errors

  • events - Handles events

  • fs - Interacts with the file system

  • http - Creates HTTP servers and clients

  • https - Creates HTTPS servers and clients

  • net - Creates TCP servers and clients

  • os - Provides information about the operating system

  • path - Handles file paths

  • punycode - Deprecated, a character encoding scheme

  • querystring - Handles URL query strings

  • readline - Handles readable streams one line at a time

  • stream - Handles streaming data

  • string_decoder - Decodes buffer objects into strings

  • timers - Executes a function after a given number of milliseconds

  • tls - Implements TLS and SSL protocols

  • tty - Provides classes used by a text terminal

  • url - Parses URL strings

  • util - Provides utility functions

  • v8 - Accesses information about the V8 JavaScript engine

  • vm - Compiles JavaScript code in a virtual machine

  • zlib - Compresses or decompresses files

  • assert/strict - Provides a set of strict assertion tests

  • async_hooks - Provides an API to track asynchronous resources

  • console - Provides a simple debugging console

  • constants - Provides various constants

  • diagnostics_channel - Provides an API for creating diagnostic channels

  • dns/promises - Provides promises-based DNS lookup functions

  • fs/promises - Provides promises-based file system API

  • http2 - Provides an implementation of the HTTP/2 protocol

  • inspector - Provides an interface to the V8 inspector

  • inspector/promises - Provides promises-based inspector API

  • module - Provides functions related to modules

  • perf_hooks - Provides performance measurement APIs

  • readline/promises - Provides promises-based readline API

  • repl - Provides a Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) interface

  • stream/consumers - Provides stream consumers

  • stream/promises - Provides promises-based stream API

  • stream/web - Provides web streams API

  • sys - Provides system-level utilities (deprecated, use util instead)

  • timers/promises - Provides promises-based timer API

  • trace_events - Provides an interface for recording trace events

  • util/types - Provides utilities for type checking

  • wasi - Provides the WebAssembly System Interface API

  • worker_threads - Provides a way to create multithreaded Node.js applications